Dependable performance on key diseases
Quality Fungicide at a Sharp Price Point
AZOSHY 250 SC is a broad spectrum, preventative fungicide with systemic properties recommended for the control of plant diseases. Protect your quality and yield with superior systemic performance at an affordable price.
GUARANTEE: Azoxystrobin 250 g/L a.i.
Registered Crops:
Dry Bean, Chick Pea, Faba Bean, Lentil, Field Pea, Soybean, Canola, Corn, Potato, Ginseng, Hazelnuts, Filberts, Coriander, Asparagus, Carrots, Cabbage, Cranberries, Celery, Radish, Tomato, Spinach, Radish, Daikon, Horse Radish, Rutabaga, Turnip, Beet, Tobacco, Ground Cherries, Cumin, Strawberries, Sugar beets and Legume vegetables.
- Excellent disease control in pulses, canola, potatoes and corn
- Wide window of application
- Excellent crop safety
Diseases Controlled:
Anthracnose, Ascochyta, Mycosphaerella blight, Asian soybean rust, Powdery Mildew (soybeans and field pea), Cercospora leaf spot (soybeans), Blackleg, Sclerotinia, and Alternaria black spot.
Same active as Quadris
Preventative Fungicide to Control Plant Diseases
Always read and follow the label directions. Azoshy 250 SC is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.