Trusted Control for Your Specialty Crops
Quality Fungicide at a Sharp Price Point
Follow is a tried and trusted water dispersible granular fungicide for the control of a number of fungus diseases on certain fruit, vegetables, ornamental and other crops. With a short PHI on many crops, Follow WDG gives you the opportunity to keep your crop protected through till harvest.
Active Ingredient: Folpet 80%
Registered Crops:
- Apples and Crabapples
- Grapes
- Strawberry
- Field Cucumber, pumpkin, melon, squash
- Tomatoes, processing and field
- Cranberry
- Ornamental and cut flowers
2 x 5kg
1.25kg/ha – 5kg/ha (506 g / acre – 2.02 kg / acre) depending on crop and disease
Diseases Controlled:
- Alternaria blotch
- Black rot
- Brooks spot
- Flyspeck
- Apple scab
- Sooty blotch
- Anthracnose
- Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola)
- Didymellina leaf spot
- Phomopsis dead arm
- Downy mildew
(Pseudoperonospora cubensis) - Powdery mildew
- Grey mould
- Botrytis fruit rot
- Common leaf spot
- Alternaria leaf spot
- Septoria leaf spot
- Pythium root rot
Same active as FOLPAN
Always read and follow the label directions. FOLLOW WDG is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies