Trusuted Actives Against Head Blight in Cereals
Quality Fungicide at a Sharp Price Point
SHALIMAR is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide for the suppression of fusarium head blight in wheat and barley and control of other serious diseases in cereals, containing 2 trusted actives.
Active Ingredients: Prothioconazole 125 g/L; Tebuconazole 125 g/L
Registered Crops:
- Wheat – Winter, Spring, Durum
- Barley
- Oats
2 x 6.45L
800ml/Ha (323ml/acre)
Case Covers:
16.12 Ha (39 acres)
Diseases Suppressed:
- Fusarium Head Blight
Diseases Controlled:
- Rust (Leaf, Stem and Stripe)
- Leaf & glume blotch
- Tan spot
- Powdery mildew
- Net blotch
- Spot blotch
- Scald
- Leaf blotch
- Crown rust
- Black stem
Always read and follow the label directions. SHALIMAR is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies