Group 6 weed control
Quality Herbicide at a Sharp Price Point
BENTA SUPER is a liquid herbicide with mainly contact action. Uptake into the plant occurs primarily through the leaves. It will provide selective post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds. BENTA SUPER does not control grasses.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bentazon (present as the sodium salt) 480 g/L a.e.
Registered Crops:
Soybeans, Dry and snap common beans, Peas, Lima beans, Faba beans, Corn (grain, silage, sweet and seed), Flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), Peanuts, Blueberries, Turf, Spring wheat (excluding durum), Snow peas, Seedling and established forage legumes, Seedling forage grasses (seed production only for forage legumes
and grasses), Newly-planted fruit trees – apple, apricot, cherry, peach, pear and nectarine
- Controls volunteer canola, lambs quarters and many other key weeds
- Group 6 weed control with at an economical price
- Proven weed control
- The group 6 offers a grower the ability to rotate groups
Weeds Controlled:
Bird rape*, Bluebur, Burdock, Buttercup, Canada Thistle, Cleavers, Cocklebur, Common chickweed, Common groundsel*, Common plantain, Common ragweed, Corn spurry, Daisy fleabane, False flax, Flixweed, Field bindweed, Flower-of-an hour, Giant ragweed, Goat’s beard, Hairy galinsoga, Hairy nightshade, Jimson weed, Lady’s-thumb (smartweed), Lamb’s-quarters*, Low cudweed, Mustard, Prickly Lettuce, Purslane, Ragweed, Redroot pigweed*, Russian thistle, Shepherd’s-purse, Stinging Nettle, Stinkweed, Stork’s bill, Sweet Clover, Velvetleaf**, Volunteer canola, Wild mustard, Wild radish, Yellow nutsedge
*Triazine resistant strains of these weeds are controlled by BENTA SUPER.
**BENTA SUPER will defoliate velvetleaf 15 cm or taller,
but regrowth may occur.
Same active as Basagran
Selective Post-emergence Broadleaf Weed Control
Always read and follow the label directions. BENTA SUPER is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.