Only generic offering a formulated product
Quality Herbicide at a Sharp Price Point
BENZ combines the two active ingredients: imazamox and bentazon. Imazamox is a selective herbicide that when applied as an early post-emergence treatment may be absorbed through both the roots and foliage. Susceptible weeds stop growing and eventually die. Bentazon provides selective post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds via uptake through the leaves. Bentazon does not control grasses.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Imazamox 20 g/L, Bentazon (present as sodium salt) 429 g/L
Registered Crops:
Field peas, Succulent peas, Dry faba beans, Soybeans, Dry beans, Established red and alsike clover for seed production, Seedling and established alfalfa for seed, forage and hay
- Formulated product for ease of use
- Two modes of action for effective weed control
- Control of some group 2 resistant weeds
- Control of broadleaf and grassy weeds
Weeds Controlled:
Barnyard grass, Cleavers* (including Group 2 resistant biotypes), Cow cockle, Green foxtail, Green smartweed, Hemp nettle*, Japanese brome grass*, Kochia* (including Group 2 resistant biotypes), Lamb’s-quarters, Lentils (including Clearfield® Lentils1), Persian darnel, Prostate Pigweed*, Redroot pigweed, Round-leaved mallow*, Russian thistle, Shepherd’s purse, Sowthistle – annual, Sowthistle – perennial, Stinkweed, Storks bill, Volunteer barley, Volunteer canary seed, Volunteer canola (Clearfield and non-Clearfield tolerant canola), Volunteer durum wheat, Volunteer spring wheat (non-Clearfield tolerant wheat), Volunteer tame oats, Wild buckwheat, Wild mustard (including Group 2 resistant), Wild oats, Yellow foxtail
*suppression only
**top growth suppression only
Same active as Viper
Post-emergence Grass & Broadleaf Weed Control
Always read and follow the label directions. BENZ is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.