Dependable control of key weeds like Canada Thistle in wheat, barley, oats and other cereal crops.
Quality Herbicide at a Sharp Price Point
DISHA 480 controls broadleaf weeds in selective crops. Also for control of deciduous and coniferous brush species and broadleaf weeds in non-cropland areas such as roadsides, hydro, pipeline and railway rights-of-way, airports, military bases, turf, wasteland and similar non-crop land areas.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Dicamba, present as the dimethylamine salt 480 g/L
Registered Crops:
Cereals, Corn, Reduced tillage, Pastures, Rangeland grasses, Crop-free land, Red Fescue, Canary Seed, Seedling grasses, Low bush blueberries
- Controls tough perennial and annual weeds in cereal crops
- Proven performance in Western Canada
Weeds Controlled:
Buckwheat, Tartary, Wild cockle, Cow cleavers, Lady’s thumb, Sow-thistle, Perennial (top growth only), Smartweed, Green spurry, Corn thistle, Burdock (young seedlings), Canola, Volunteer* cocklebur, Flixweed hemp-nettle**, Kochia, Pigweed, Red-root pigweed, Russian radish, Wild shepherd’s-purse, Sunflower, Volunteer* thistle, Chickweed, Hemp- nettle spurry, Corn, Stinkweed
*Apply prior to bolting of canola
**Apply at 2-3 leaf stage
*** Control might be slightly delayed
Same active as Banvel
Broadleaf Weed Control
Always read and follow the label directions. DISHA 480 is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.