Weed control
Quality Herbicide at a Sharp Price Point
INTENSA is a is a selective soil applied herbicide, formulated as a flowable (suspension concentrate) containing 480 grams of the active ingredient, sulfentrazone, per litre, intended for dilution with water for application. INTENSA is taken up by the plant roots and shoots.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Sulfentrazone 480 g/L
Registered Crops:
Chickpeas, Field Pea, Flax, Sunflower, Soybeans, Wheat (Spring and Durum), Tame Mustard, Asparagus, Fababean, Mint, Strawberry, Horseradish, Brassica, Head and Stem (Crop Group 5-13) (Transplants only), Brassica, Leafy Greens (Crop Sub-Group 4-13b), Tomato (Transplants only), Tree Nuts (Crop Group 14), Grapes and Berries (Crop Group 13-07) and Apples
Weeds Controlled:
Kochia, Russian thistle (suppression), Redroot pigweed, Lamb’s-quarters, Wild buckwheat, Eastern black nightshade, Common waterhemp, Smooth crabgrass, Large crabgrass, Yellow woodsorrel, Common groundsel, Cleavers (suppression), Powell pigweed, Common purslane
Always read and follow the label directions. INTENSA is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.