Stopping weeds early
Quality Herbicide at a Sharp Price Point
PENSHUI herbicide controls certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds as they germinate, but will not control established weeds. Destroy existing weeds before applying PENSHUI herbicide (except as recommended in specific post-emergence combination treatments or when tankmixed with glyphosate and applied as a pre-emergence treatment). Unusually cold, excessively wet, or hot and dry conditions that delay germination or extend germination over a long period of time can reduce weed control.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Pendimethalin 455g/L
Registered Crops:
Dry Bulb Onions, Carrots and Field Carrots, Field Corn, Soybeans, White and Kidney Beans, Adzuki, Snap and Lima Beans, Green Onions, Transplanted Leeks, Transplanted Green Onions
- Stops weeds as they emerge in field
- Delivers early residual control of targeted broadleaf and grasses
- Excellent performance
- Microcapsule suspension formulation
- Great formulation with low odor for ease of use
Weeds Controlled:
Barnyard grass
Crabgrass, Fall Panicum, Green Foxtail, Lamb’s quarters, Redroot Pigweed*, Yellow Foxtail, Common Ragweed**, Smartweed**, Velvetleaf**, Old Witchgrass**, Canada Thistle**, Corn Spurry**, Cow Cockle**, Eastern Black Nightshade**, Field Bindweed**, Lady’s Thumb**, Tartary Buckwheat**, Wild Buckwheat**, Wild Mustard**, Wormseed Mustard**
* = Suppression Only
** = With registered tank mix partner
Annual & Broadleaf Weed Control Upon Germination
Always read and follow the label directions. PENSHUI is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.