Control of Perennial & Annual Broadleaf Weeds
Quality Herbicide at a Sharp Price Point
PYRALID Herbicide is for control of perennial and annual broadleaved weeds in field crops, Christmas tree plantations, pasture, rangeland, vegetable and fruit crops, and non-cropland.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: clopyralid (present as triisopropanolamine salt) 300 g/L
Registered Crops:
Canola, Sugar beets, Rutabagas, Summerfallow, Flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), Wheat (spring), Barley (spring), Oats, Strawberry, Seedling & established grasses grown for forage & seed production, Non-crop farmland, Balsam fir Christmas trees, Lowbush and highbush, Blueberry, Apple, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Shelterbelts, Poplar and their hybrids, Non-crop uses, Rangeland & grass pasture
4 x 4.45L jug
0.204 – 0.403 L/acre, 1 case treats 87-44 acres
- Season long control of Canada Thistle
Weeds Controlled:
Canada thistle, Vetch, Alsike clover, Common ragweed, Wild buckwheat, Scentless chamomile, Common groundsel, Volunteer alfalfa, Perennial sow-thistle*, Sheep sorrel*, Ox-eye daisy*
*= Suppression only
Same active as Lontrel
Always read and follow the label directions. PYRALID is a trademark of Sharda Canada. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.